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I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving....mine was really good. We had a member couple in the ward invite us over as well as the other missionaries serving in the ward for dinner. There ended up being 6 missionaries, plus them. It was really good, but not like home. They served us Ham, potato’s, spaghetti and garlic bread, and for dessert we had some kind of fruit salad. It was fun and the food was good but I would not put potatoes and spaghetti together. After dinner was finished we went home, but remember that I live with a member family (I love them they are super nice and really they make me feel so at home). Well anyway we got home and they said, good we waited for you… come eat with us. WHAT!!!! But we don't have room, come on waited for you... So I ate AGAIN!!! Only this time we had....Chicken, Potatoes, Spaghetti and bread. Once again really really good but I would not put those particular foods together. I will stress all the food was very good. Anyway we had a great Thanksgiving and I gave thanks for all that I was given. I have the best family in the world thanks for everything.
Yesterday we had a baptism. Juan Garcia was baptized and it was a wonderful day. This work really is amazing and the days are long and hard but it is all worth the work.
I can't believe Christmas is already here it is so fun to see all the lights and hear the Christmas music; it makes me remember what Christmas is really all about. I love it!!!!! Also that means I am that much closer to being able to talk to you all!!!
This week really was a little slow because my companion is a little sick and she has not been feeling well so we were in the house a lot, this week we are hoping to get out and about.
Oh more news. I don't mind driving it really is not that bad. It is just all the stress that if you do something bad or accidentally do something it could turn out bad for you (well, I am not sure but we will have to wait and see)..... The other day I was driving and we had pulled over into a parking lot because we needed to say a prayer for guidance on what to do. Well we had just said our prayer and we were pulling out to get back on the street and what I thought was the edge to go out on...was not the edge. We it the curb or one of those things in front of a parking space, I really am not sure how to explain it. We got out to make sure the car was ok and that all was good. At the time everything looked ok although it was dark so we could have missed something. We were like ok all is fine nothing is wrong with the car.......WRONG!!!!! The other day my companion gets out and says hey what is up with our tire? Well we look at it and low and behold yep the rim of the tire it bent, pretty well if I say so myself. I am a master at damaging things. We are guessing but we think that when we went off the curb the tire must have got caught on something and bent it. We called the senior Elder in charge of the cars, today and he said to go get an estimate. Well for a rim it is $199.90 yep so we are waiting to hear back about what to do. But that is my car story I am not sure if I will have to pay some of it because I was the driver… for now I am just waiting.
Ok well that is all my stories. Sorry this is nothing exciting. Thanks everyone for all your help and for all your love. I love you tons and tons. Love ya!
Let me just tell you that I am so grateful for the Lord, He is so great and I am so happy to be His daughter and that I can talk to Him anytime to get the help I am need. That said, this week has been a little... ok a lot... CRAZY!!!! But a good crazy at the same time.
First my companion Hermana Joslin DeMartini left for Argentina on Wednesday. I got a new companion Hermana Dina Gasca, we were together working both of our areas until Friday. On Friday we got a call from our President saying that he needed to have an emergency companion exchange for a couple of days because one of the other sisters was having a break down. The sister who was having problems is really good friends with Hermana Gasca, so Hermana Gasca was asked to move to that sisters area and the sisters companion to my area. So Friday night we switched...Hna Gasca went to Franklin (my old area) and Hermana Taft came here with me. Hermana Taft has been out for 10 months, and her Spanish needs improvement like mine. She was serving in Knoxville before, and then she was moved to her area when they closed the area in Knoxville to Spanish sisters because there were not that very many Spanish people. So after the emergency exchange I was here trying run both areas one of which I don’t know and the other that I was just getting use to. I was so lost and nervous at times but with the Lords help I did ok. It turns out that President has decided to keep the change of companions for the rest of the transfer, 3 more weeks. Hermana Taft and I were moved back to my old area and Hermana Gasca and her new companion will work both Franklin and Providence C. So I will just be working one area, Providence B with Hermana Taft, we are both working hard on our Spanish and are preparing to train come next transfer. I know crazy stuff; it is a good thing I didn't really unpack because I am moving again.
Ok so that is all the stressful stuff but amongst all of this. We (me and who ever my companion was at the time) set 4 BAPTISM DATES!!!!!! So while it was a crazy week it was super successful week as well. We have some great investigators who have decided to follow Jesus Christ and be baptized.
Johnny- His date is set for the 28th of this month. He is 8 years old. His parents want to get baptized too but Angel (the dad) needs to get a divorce first. He married someone only to get US papers. He also needs to get married to Maria (the mother of his three kids) who he is currently living with.
Amilcar- His date is set for the 28th of this month. He has been an investigator for a while and then one day after institute he said hey will you come over and teach me I want to get baptized!! Heck Yes!!!
Juan Garcia- His date is set for the 29th of this month. He is a great man in is 40s and is just accepting the gospel. I talked about him in my last email.
Daniel- His date is set for the 12th of December. He is amazing! He is accepting the gospel so fast and doing great. We were extending a baptismal date to his cousin, but his cousin told us he had already been baptized. Daniel spoke up and told his cousin that he may have been baptized but the LDS church is the only church that has the right authority to baptize!!!! Ding ding Ding we have a winner. WOW!! Thank you Daniel.
Jose- His date is set for the 24th of December. He is the Daniel’s cousin. After Daniel so nicely told him that we are the only ones with the authority Jose said he wanted to be baptized. When we asked him what day he would like to be baptized He said I want the 24th (Christmas Eve), What? He insisted and said that was the only day he wanted to do it. So we have a date for Christmas Eve.
Well that is all the baptism dates we have set so far. They are all so amazing. 3 of them are in my current area and two are in the other area but I will be able to go to the baptisms, so that is good. This work is AMAZING and TRUE!!!! Yes difficult and hard at times but all in all it is GREAT!
Today is a normal working day for us we have about an hour to write and check our emails. This week our p-day is on Thursday (Thanksgiving). We are going to eat dinner with some members. It should be great. I hope you all have a great Turkey day and know that I will be thinking of you all. I love you all tons. Have a great week full of tons of happy moments and smiles. Oh Thanks for all the letters, I have the best family and friends.
P.S. Mom the name of my last baptism was Rodulfo but I can't remember his last name so I will write you on Thursday with that information. Just know that I am doing great and trusting the lord. I love you all tons. And good luck with everything.
Hey,Ok so, I will recap the week for you with all the major events....
1. We had Zone conference and Elder Arnold from the First Quorum of the Seventy came and talked to us. It was really good. He is amazing and taught us all tons of stuff that would really help us in our work here. The spirit was so strong and you could just tell that this was the work of the Lord. I learned tons of things that I need to do to improve myself as a missionary.
2. We had a BAPTISM!!!! Rudolfo was baptized and confirmed a member of the church this weekend (baptized on 14th and confirmed on 15th). He is so good and is excited about everything the gospel has for him. He is an amazing member. Rudolfo’s baptism is sister DeMartini's and my first and last baptism together.
3. Sunday We set a baptism date with Juan Garcia for the 29th of this month. Really he set his own date. We were teaching the plan of salvation and we made half way through and he said "I want to be baptized into your church what do I have to do" wow wow wow! We were like ok great we are here to teach you everything you need to know. So we finished a lesson with him and set the date. Yeah!!!! He is a man about in his 40's and will make a great addition to the ward and church.
4. Sister DeMartini and I have 2 days left together. She is leaving for Argentina on Wednesday. So today, our p-day, is a day full of packing.....again. I don't like packing! Anyway, she leaves Wednesday and I leave the same day to go work with another Sister whose companion is also leaving for Argentina. Sister Casca will be my new comp (she is from Mexico and super fun) I will still be in the same ward just not in the same area. However, I think that the president is going to have us work both areas because in December when we get new sisters he will split us up again and we will go back to our old areas. So that is good. I really like my area and I don't want to leave but you do what you got to do, right? I love the Lianares family they are so fun and help us a ton so I don't want to leave them but I will see them every Sunday.
5. Thank you everyone for all the letters and e-mails I love to hear how everyone is doing. I don’t know if I will have time to write a letter this week, sorry. These past 3 p-days have been very crazy and I don't have time to write because I am packing and trying to shuffle things around. So I am sorry about that. I do hope you know that I love you all very much.
Well I need to go, sorry this is super short but they time you on these computers and I don't have much time left. I love you all hope you are doing great and getting ready for Thanksgiving. It should be fun to see what I will be doing, on that day. As of now I don’t know. Love you
Family,I am HERE and ALIVE!!!!! My area is great and everywhere you look there is a Hispanic. Tons of Spanish tons of people to teach and tons of people who want to here the gospel...some of them just don't know it yet. Ok well first I live in a little apartment that is attached to a house of a member family. The Leanarez are an amazing family. They have 3 kids and they are so strong in the gospel. We see them and eat with them everyday. He is the ward mission leader so he helps us out. His daughter came out on exchanges with us the other day; they are so willing to help us missionaries. Also we have new friends. Cockroaches! Tennessee has tons of them and our little house has tons of them too. But we have fun killing them and finding them. When we come in for the night and turn on the light they go running and we go chasing with out shoes. Ha ha ha, fun times.
The ward is really good. Sunday was good and yes mom I can understand a lot of what they say. Sometime it surprises me but I am getting the hang of it. I understand a lot more then I can speak so I am working on that part of it. My companion, Hna DeMartini,(she is from California and I knew her in the MTC and I also went to school with her sister Emily at BYU-I, I knew her really well) is great and helping me We are learning a lot from each other and she knows the area well so she is helping me find my way around. We had a full time car but now we have a part time car. We share with a set of English Elders in the area. So this week is a walking week because my companion does not have a bike and my bike needs to be fixed first before I can ride it. But Brother Leanarez said he would help me he is a mechanic and he also said there was someone in the ward who fixes bikes so I will get it figured out. But until then are driving/walking.
Let’s see, oh the area is great and we have some great investigators. We set a baptism date today with one of them. Rudolfo will be baptized this Saturday the 14. Yep we are hard at work and there are more dates to be coming. The work is going really well here in Tennessee.
Ok some funny stories. Hna DeMartini and my first day together went really well.....we got to the house unloaded my stuff and then left to go find a Fed-ex because my companion is leaving for Argentina in about a week or 2 and needed to send visa stuff, I will probably be moved to be with the other sisters who are in my ward too when she leaves. Anyway we went to find a Fed-ex and we borrowed a GPS because if you don't have one you get LOST!!!!! Well we got lost with the GPS and ended up going out of our area and then we ended up at the airport. Yep don't ask me how but we did it, all I know is that it was a fun adventure. We did eventually find our way and made it back home safe and sound. We just used up some of our miles and gas, oooops. But, all was well we even called our district leader and told him, so we could clam we were obedient. The Airport was beautiful but it was not my time to be there yet I am still needed here. Sorry mom I was close but you have to wait another year to see me. Ha ha ha ha!
Also this week we trackted into a family that had just moved here from Iraq, when we knocked they were about to sit down and eat lunch (at 4:00 pm), they said come in come in eat with us. At first, we said no and that we were fine, but then the husband said my wife is insisting (only the husband speaks English, along with 4 other languages), please come in and eat with us. So after awhile of them saying please we said ok. We all sat down on the floor and ate and talked (to the husband). The food was really good and we talked about who we were and the church and he told us about Muslims and what they believe. It was really fun and we learned a lot. At the end they brought out tea and we told them no thanks, and then explained the word of wisdom to them, so that was good. We planted a seed. After a while we said we needed to go, and left. It was really fun to talk and learn from them. They told us to come back anytime. Great people! This week we have Zone conference with a member of the 70 coming it should be a great experience I am excited so I will let you know how that goes.
Mom my address is:
451 Benita DrNashville, TN 37211
But I don't know how much longer I will be there because my companion could be leaving at anytime for Argentina and then I will be moving again. So just be safe and send it to the office and they will get it to me. Oh and also I got my box. Thanks so much mom for everything you really are amazing. I love the sweaters they are so great. I hope I answered your questions. I am doing well and the Lord is helping me a tons and I am also learning tons about myself.
Good luck with getting the corn in and getting ready for winter. I love you tons. Thanks for all your prayers and the love you send. I will try and write a letter today. Love you all!
Hello Everyone.....
Friday was interviews with the president...yeah I always love that time because we learn so much and get re energized to go our and do do do. President it amazing and really helps and wants to do everything possible to make sure you are ok and that things are good. Well my interview went like this:
Pres.- WELL, Sister Hegerhorst how long have you been in your area.
Me- About 3 months.
Pres- What does that mean?
Me- I get to stay!
Pres- Ummmm.....I was thinking about transferring you.
Me- Ok where to?
Pres- Nashville to be with Sister DeMartini.
Me- Wow...Wow....Wow
Then there was more but I won’t get into it. Pretty much I am leaving Franklin... I am going to Nashville (all Spanish ward) to be with Sister DeMartini, who is a visa waiter (waiting for Argentina) we are both new at the language and I am not going to lie I am scared! She has been here for one transfer and me for two. I am going to need a lot of help. Since she is a visa waiter that means I am senior. I don't really know how I feel about all of this. All I know is that I am going to in need of a lot of prayers. Sister Demartini is amazing she is so fun and has a lot of energy so I am excited about that. I actually went to school and lived next to her sister Emily at BYUI her sister is in Honduras on a mission right now. Small world.
Ok well that really is the big news. It is going to be sad to leave Franklin and say goodbye we have 4 baptism dates this month that I am going to miss but I guess that is how it goes. Our baptism date with Alfredo fell again. He started smoking again. We just can't seem to get him to have a strong enough desire. So right now we are just trying to figure out what to do with him.
Thanks for keeping care of Rudy- I miss him a lot... oh and mom I don't care how cute the little boy at school was you can NOT give him Rudy. Sorry ha ha ha I knew you wouldn't you love him just as much as I do.
Today P-Day is going to be a day of packing and getting ready for my big adventure tomorrow. I know the Lord knows what he is doing but I don't....If you don't get a letter this week it is because I didn't have time to write one with all the things I have to do today. Sorry this is short but we also have a teaching apt (on P-day yep) that we have to get to I want you to know that I love you tons.I will let you know more next week on how everything went. Please send all letters and packages to the mission home so that they will mail them to my new address because I don't know what it is yet. Have a great week!!!