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One little Tornado and some flooding and the whole town shuts down....who does that!!!! I am here and I am doing well. We did have some great weather this past great that the Library was closed yesterday so I could not write. But I am here now and will fill you in on what went on.
Saturday it was raining all day and so around 4 they told us to get in our apt and stay there until further notice. Well then on Sunday morning Hna Bounds and I woke up at 5:30 to the sounds of Tornado sirens going off warning us that there was a tornado. So we made a few phone calls to find out if that was really what it was because we had not heard them before and we were told that yes that is what it was and that we needed to stay in our apt (which is on the 3rd floor- not a good idea). So we did. The whole mission had horrible weather so we were all in our apt, church was canceled and we were in until 7 that night talk about boring!!!!!! But I guess we had a tornado that hit and it was just about 7 miles from our apt. Cool huh!!!! There is a lot of flooding and a lot of homes that did not get so lucky but all the missionaries are ok and doing well. We had a swimming pool (a good sized one) out side our apt that was pretty cool but we were up high enough that it didn’t get us. We went to an apt complex yesterday and we saw some houses where it was all the way up to their doors. So we saw people walking out of there homes walking through water that was up to there chests and holding there belongings above there heads. It was sad to see but just happy that we are all safe and that there was not anything worse.
Gladys Knight was canceled so that is a sad sad story she could not get a flight in and then all the freeways are flooded so her crew could not make it by car so they just had to cancel everything. Very sad but what can you do about Mother Nature. So we just move on and have one more night to find more investigators to share the gospel with. Yippy!!!!
Our baptism dates are still doing well and progressing. Jesus asked us the other day is it ok if my friend baptizes me (he is a member- that is how we found him) we told him yes that was great so he is excited for his baptism. We really have found some great new people to teach. We just need to keep finding. I am happy to hear all the happy news from everyone at home. That is exciting thanks mom for the updates.
Well I love you all hope you have a great great week and I will talk to you soon. Know that I love you and that you are in my prayers all the time. Thanks for all that you do for me.
I am still here no worries. I am alive. Saturday we did have a ton of wind, rain and everything else but we were still outside working and tracting and getting wet Wet WET!!!!! But we didn't get it as bad as some of the other areas. We were told that there was a Tornado warning and to be careful but to keep working and use our best judgment. So we worked and taught people about the gospel. GREAT stuff. Thanks for being worried about me and Aunt Bonnie and Kent thanks for keeping my mom informed about me.
Ok Madison (it is on a map I have seen it) is about 30 from Nashville and about 1 hour from Bowling Green, Kentucky. The other part of my district is in Bowling green so I will be going to Kentucky every other week for district meeting. So this Wednesday I am headed to Kentucky. I am actually really not that far from Clarksville.
Madison is great the area is HUGE we cover about 5 different little cities but it is good. The branch is AMAZING they want to help so bad and do all they can. We have dinner’s every night and they just signed up to come out with us on exchanges so we are getting this area going. Sis Bounds is amazing and together we are going to get this area moving and turned into a ward. There are a lot of Hispanic here but not like Nashville so we do run into a lot of English so we always have an English Book of Mormon with us to give away and teach at the door. But it is all good.
The area is great I love it so far. Oh we called our ward mission leader when we got here and told him that we were here and he said great... will you both speak on Sunday? WHAT.....Ok I said we would love to. So Yesterday we both spoke and it was my first talk in Spanish I am not really sure how my Spanish was I know I made a lot of mistakes but they got the drift and I think I did ok. So that is all good. So anyway it is over and we are moving on in the work. We have found 3 great families already that we are teaching and they all show a lot of potential. Madison has a lot to offer and Hermana Bounds and I are going to discover it together.
Yes I am going to Gladys Knight there is two different shows one at 5:15 and the other at 8:15 I am going to the early one because that is when my investigators can go. I am excited it should be really really good. Also it is right here in Madison so I don't have to travel very far just the 3 miles between where I live and the church :) SWEET!!!!!
Anyway I am doing great I love being a missionary. The people are great and everyday is a learning experience of new things that I can apply to help me more and more. Keep up the great work everyone Know that I love you tons and tons have a great week and we shall talk to you next week. When I know more about the area and can tell you a little more. This week was just get settled in and try and find a place to start. But we are moving forward and life it GREAT.
Love ya
Ok so the big question is after 6 months in one area did I get transferred or did I stay for another transfer......well the answer is Tomorrow I will be moving to MADISON and I will be serving with Hermana Bounds (my daughter) Yeah!!!! I am sad to leave my area because I have grown to love this area and the people and especially the Family Linares but I guess it is my time to go and get a new challenge. Me and Hna Bounds have never been to Madison so we will be white washing it and learning tons and tons. The area is Huge and there is not a ton of Spanish but we have a Spanish branch so that should be fun. I am excited for this new adventure and learning more about me and how much better of a missionary I can become.
This week went well we still have Genaro who is getting baptized but we had to move his date to the 8 of May because of work purposes (it is sad because I am leaving so I won’t be able to see his baptism but that is ok. I might see if I can come back to it. But he is doing well and working hard. Also Mayra our recent convert is doing ok she is struggling right now with money and things like that but she is staying strong and working hard.
WE also set another baptism date with a lady named Antonia she is super sweet and wants to do what is right I am excited for her. But I won’t be here for that one either...but that does not matter all that matters is that they are baptized and on the right path back to their Heavenly Father.
This work is amazing will let you know how my new adventure goes next week. I am excited for these things to unfold and see the lord work through me and Hna Bounds. Great things are going to happen this transfer. I know it. I love you all have a great week. I am thinking of all of you.
Love ya
How is everyone doing this fine and dandy Monday morning.....Great....Wonderful...Fantastic!!!! I am happy to hear it. Thank you all for your letters and words of wisdom.
I have been doing great and it is getting hotter and hotter everyday. But that does not change the is still good it even makes it a little better because people are out and about more and you get a ton more contacts :) SWEET.
Well lets see if I can tell you anything cool that happened this week....
Nothing really we went to see our recent convert MAYRA she is doing good but is struggling right now with money and food and things she has work but her husband is still looking and things are a little hard for them. She didn't come to church yesterday because she was up until 5 the night before with work and her little kids and she didn't hear her phone or us pounding on the door and she didn't wake up until 3:00 but she is still doing well and praying and trying to stay strong. She will make it through I just wish there was more we could do to help her as a missionary. But there is nothing but prayers because like her we don't have money either (just enough to get us by).
GENARO Y ABRAHAM.... They really are amazing. We had some great lessons with them this past week. Abraham has been going to a different church for about 2 months now and he says that they want him to get baptized so he was telling us that he is a little confused and not sure really what he should do. We told him that the thing he needed to do was to ask his HF in prayer and get an answer. So we committed him to pray about the church and what he should do. The next day we followed up to see how it went and he said he prayed and felt good but he is still not sure. We just have to keep teaching him and helping him feel the spirit and he will come along. That same night Genaro asked us if we believed in dreams. We said yes and then asked him is he had one. He said he did so we asked him to explain. He said that in the dream there was Me holding a mike and then behind me there was a bunch of other missionaries (he said he knew they were from our church because of the white shirts and ties) he said that on one side it was dark and there was a storm coming but then on us the missionaries there was a Light shinning and I was teaching him. After he explained the dream Hermana Brodhead said, "So I guess this means you are going to be Mormon" he said yep I guess it does. It was funny. Anyway the only thing is that both of them did not come to church yesterday because they were working on fixing a truck that they would need to get to work the next day... bad reason but the past is the past. Needless to say there dates have dropped for this month (because they have to be at church 3 times at least to be baptized) and so we will have to get them back on track for next month. But we can do it and it will be great.
Other then that we have been working hard and finding new people to teach and do great things. The lord is amazing and is really helping us. This week we have zone conference I love those days I just leave so up lifted and ready to go teach the world. Also this next week is transfers so we will see what changes will happen this Saturday then we have transfer meeting Tuesday. I don't think I will be moving anywhere but we will have to wait and see because with President you never know what will happen. I have been in this area for 6 months but who knows. I like the area it is great and there is still much to be done so I am ok with staying and plus I love the family Linares...They are AMAZING.
Well that is my week. I hope that all is well and that you are doing great things. I love you tons and tons. Mom I am happy to hear that you are doing better each and every day. You really are amazing. I love you tons.
Everyone remember that someone in Nashville Tennessee is thinking of them and loves them.