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Hey Family,It was so great to talk with all of you. I just loved it. I wish I could have talked longer but I knew the longer I talked the harder it would be to get off. But the time we did talk was great and I just loved to hear your voices. You all sound so well and happy and I am happy that all is well. I also want to tell you one last time thanks for the Christmas stuff everything was perfect and it was just what I needed. I have the best family!
Dad I wish you the best of luck this Wednesday with surgery, I know that I will be ok and I will be praying for you, as well as thinking of you all day. I hope all goes well and that you have no problems.
Mom thanks for just being you, for your notes, for all your help, and for just being a great missionary!!!!
Katie... It was great to hear from you. I am so happy I got to talk to you and that you wrote me. Sounds like you are doing well and that school is going well. I hope your next semester goes good. Tell Rupert hello from me.
Becky and Stewart, I just love you thanks for the chat on the phone and for the Christmas gift. You two sound like you are doing great. Thanks for the words of encouragement and for your prayers.
Margie, I am happy that you are done with your first semester of school and that Christmas was good for you. I wish you luck this next semester. I love you lots!
This week was a little slow for missionary work because a lot of people were either not home or didn't want to talk. We did try to set a date with a lady we have been working with as well as trying to work with her and her family. We have so much stuff to do and it feels like we don't have time to do it.
I love Sundays but at the same time as a missionary it is sometimes frustrating. The whole week you tell people come to church you ask them to commit and they say they are coming. But when you call them 1 hour before church and even have their arranged ride go pick them up… but in the end no one comes to church because they came up with some excuse. That was this past Sunday… we didn't have any investigators. BUT on the bright side of things, 4 of our recent converts were given the priesthood yesterday. That made our day!
Well I am sorry that I don't have a ton more to tell you but I did tell you a lot when I talked to you. I just want to you to know that I love you tons and think of you all the time. Please tell everyone hi for me. I wish I had more time to write letters but I don't.Oh for New Years Eve we have to be in the house at 4:00 and then New Years Day is a P-Day for us. Today (Monday) is a normal working day we have one hour to write emails home.I hope your New Years is great and that you have tons of fun. Stay up late for me because I will be asleep. I am going to be obedient :) Love you all!
Hey Family,
This wont be a really long letter because I don't have tons of time but I get to talk to you on FRIDAY and I am so excited. First my Christmas day is kind of crazy so I think I will call you in the morning when you are all in the house and we will all be opening presents together...Yeah! Ok so if I call you at 7:30am my time it will be 6:30am your time will that work for you? I hope so we are all like little kids and we are all up at that time anyway so it is all good. Just plan on my call between 6:30 and 7 your time or if that doesn’t work I will call you at 12 my time and it will be 11 your time. This is confusing because I don't know what my schedule is like yet, I guess if all else fails I will call you in the morning and tell you what is going on for about one min so plan on a phone call around 6:30 either way. Becky and Stewart I will call you when I get an hour in the day you said you were open all day so I will call you when I can.
DAD- What in the world were you thinking?!!!!!! You are not supposed to get hurt, it is Christmas! [Note made by Becky: Emily is referring to an accident that dad had with his wood lathe, while making a wooden bowl. He broke his nose and a few bones in this cheek, as well as giving himself a large black eye.] I am happy to hear that you are doing a little better I am sorry that you got hurt but happy that it was nothing worse. Hope you know that I love you tons and I hope you get better soon. Send me some pictures so I can see what you look like, please.
Ok, on to missionary stuff… I am now training two sisters, Sister Bounds (from California) and Sister Brodhead (from Washington state) they are both great are teaching me more then I am teaching them. Sister Bounds was in the intermediate Spanish class at the MTC so she knows a lot and helps me with my Spanish, I help her with the teaching, and together we help Sister Brodhead. They are both great and they really don't need my help. Mom, that is funny that you talked to Elder Goodmans family. Elder Goodman is a great elder and a great district leader.
Mom I hope that you get your package I sent it and they told me it should get to you before Christmas so I hope that it does. It is coming! Also this Wednesday we get to go to the TEMPLE, I am excited this is my fist time to go since being in Nashville. It should be fun, and a neat experience. We get to spend 5 hours in the temple so I may get to do everything. Yeah!!!!! Also I think we have 3 dinners apt for Christmas Eve, 1 for Christmas breakfast, and 1 for Christmas dinner so we are packed. I also think we get to watch a movie on Christmas. It will be a fun day and a day full of FOOD!!!!! They feed you so much her but don't worry I am watching what they give me and how much.Oh Jose was baptized yesterday and it was amazing we have another date for the 27th of this month but we are going to have to work on him because he is a little unsure right now. I will let you know how that goes.
That is so exciting that Ashley got her mission call there. She is going to be amazing I was thinking that she would go to a visitor center I don't know why but I just kept thinking that. She will do amazing tell her congrats and I will try and get a letter written to her.
I love you tons hope all it going well. Be safe and I will call you on FRIDAY!!!!!Love
Hello Family,
Hey can you believe that there is only 12 more days until Christmas and I would like you all to know that I have gotten all my packages and I have not opened them yet. So just know that I have them...Mom and Becky.
OK well on with the news....This month is full of miracles. WE had a baptism... Daniel was baptized on Saturday the 12th, and he is so happy. He told me afterwards “Thanks Hermana for everything" It just made me so happy because he was so happy. Yeah!!! His cousin Jose will be getting baptized this month as well. He had a date for this Saturday 19th but he couldn't come to church because of work so we will have to push it back a week. But he will do it.
Also we had a Christmas concert this week. A choir of missionaries sang Friday- Sunday. It was fun and you could feel the spirit really strong. I was in two quartets one in Spanish and the other in English (great fun) we sang in Kentucky two days and then in Tennessee. Also we sang in two malls and the Opry Land Hotel. That thing is HUGE!!!!!! I will have to send pictures. OK, well transfers are Tomorrow and we all knew I would be training (become a mom-in missionary terms). I will be moving back to my old apt. with the family Linares and training in that area. BUT... my old companion sister Taft got sick and they are not sure what is wrong so she can't train. So… yes, you should know where this is going. I am going to be the proud mother of TWINS!!!!!!! I know, I was just as shocked as you are right now. I don't know what the Lord is thinking but I am going for it.
President called me and said Sister Hegerhorst... I need your help. I am leaving you in Nashville and Sister Gasca (she has 2 transfers left then she goes home) is moving to Franklin (my old area) and my heart tells me to put two sisters with you. I was like ok... wow... what... I don't know what to say. But he said how do you feel, I don't want to over pack you with things. But I just feel they need to go there. So yep I don't know why but something is planned for me. I am training for the first time but I am training 2 sisters. I don't know anything about them, but yea!! It is going to be an experience and I am going to need all of your prayers. This is the first time in the mission that some one has trained two people at once and I am the lucky one. Pray for me!!!
I know I will have the help of the Lord as well as the family Linares, and the ward. Oh yeah, I will also be covering two areas but mostly mine with a couple of days a week in the other area. I don't know the other area very well so it will be like white washing and training. What did I get myself into... oh I can do it RIGHT?
Other then that everything has been really crazy I have not had a bed for about 3 days I have been sleeping on the floor but hopefully things will calm down now as I begin to train. Or maybe things were just getting me prepared for what is coming.
I don't know much about calling home only that I get to on Christmas and we can use our cell phones so I will be calling you. I am pretty sure, Becky and Stewart that I can call you but I will let you know for sure next week. But think of times that would be best and tell me next week and I will tell you what is best for me out of them. I am excited very very excited to talk to my family. I love you all so much and miss you tons. Have a great week sorry this is short but I don't have time. I am packing and not in my area and things are crazy. Also I don't know if I will get a letter written today so if I don't sorry but I will get your package sent off mom. I love you tons Have a great week and I will let you know more next week. Happy 12 days before Christmas!
Hello...Well what a crazy week and it is about to get even more crazy. My companion has been really sick this past week, so we have been in the house a lot and then last night my mission president decided that she needed to go to the mission home and rest for a couple of days. So today she is headed there and I am going with another set of sisters (I get to pack again). I don't know how long we will keep this arrangement, but we will be covering three different areas. So we will have 3 cell phones (each sister has their own phone for the area they were serving in before we shuffled around), different three apartments (we will have to decide which one we want to stay in each night), and 2 cars that we can choose from. It is a crazy situation but until we get new sisters in a week it is going to be a little crazy and then the craziness will really start because I will start to train…AHHHHHH!!! Anyway, besides all that, this week has been really slow work wise. BUT we still have 2 baptismal dates set: Daniel, who is being baptized on the 12 of Dec and Jose who is being baptized on the 19 of Dec. Happy Happy Day!!!
I am excited to talk to you for Christmas when I find out when I can call I will let you know next week. Corinne and Jerome Congrats I am so excited for you when I read your e-mail I really screamed for excitement. Good luck and let me know when you find out what you are having. Kent and Jackie I didn't know you were moving here I will try and help but I don't know for sure. But that would be great if I saw you and the boys.
Ok well family I am sorry this is short. I love you all tons. Have a great week and I will talk to you later. Oh and mom I got your package I love you a ton thanks for everything.